Grief Protuberances, Bulged Disks, and the Wicked Fairy
After Liko was born, I was in terrible pain. Sciatica, or something like it, made every step shoot sparks up and down my legs, up to my shoulders. I got a referral to go see a physical therapist. She told me that I didn't have sciatica, but rather I had an old injury, a bulged disc, that loosy-goosy pregnancy hormones had flared up. She was working with me, helping me stretch my back and build up supportive muscles over the next few weeks, when one day, when Liko was about 6 weeks old, I couldn't get out of bed. My knees had totally given out. Every step was agony, my knees felt like the bone was grinding on bone. My legs shook and I wanted to cry. Even lying down, if my leg bent the wrong way or anything brushed against my skin, I wanted to scream. She said to just get into a painless position for 24 hours, and then come see her right away. Good thing tiny babies are happy to stay in bed all day and nurse anyway, and the big girls, 5 and 8, could fend for themselves a little,...