A Fond Fareweel, or The Best of the Big Island!

It's very exciting and very sad.
But the good part is we have one month to go do all of our favorite BI stuffs one "last" time.
So here's my list for my Best of Waimea:
- Hiking up behind the Mormon church, past the reservoirs, through Parker Ranch, over the Puus and up all the way to the top of misty lush Waipio Valley.
- The Farmer's market on Saturdays (the Haole fishbowl as Uncle Rudy called it) with herb stands and crepes and popsicles and fresh strawberries and mushrooms and beautiful
spinach and lettuce...
- The Aloha festival parade with the chanters followed immediately and completely drowned out by the loudest marching band ever.
- The Christmas mac truck big rig parade
- the rodeos-- cowboys and cowgirls in aloha-print western shirts and dense haku-leis on their cowboy hats, and singing Hawaii Ponoi with the national anthem and that "stand up next to me" song.
- Island Style Cafe: pancakes the size of hubcaps, and chicken fried steaks for br
- Aka Sushi by KTA-- actually just a corner of counter in the supremely greasy and depressing Kamuela Deli. Run by the most lovely Japanese couple-- young and hip escapees from a bankrupt 5 star restaurant-- the most perfect little sushi you'll ever see, delivered with grace and style to your greasy formica table.
- Kanu o ka aina-- the charter school that teaches kids how to sail canoes, build sustainable homesteads, grow their own food, design websites, dance hula, speak hawaiian, and produce movies. All without an actual campus-- just some tents and lean tos and a borrowed warehouse at an ag research station. Every kanu person I've met is just wonderful, and the kids! They are so cool. Everyone at the school knows my baby by name-- all the time random tough-looking teenagers will come up to us and call her by name and coochicoo at her.
- KTA! I can't say enough good stuff about my favorite grocery store. Their mountain apple brand is all Hawaii-island made-- portuguese sausage and cuts of local grass fed beef, hormone free kohala milk, plus portuguese sweet bread, haupia malasadas, laulau, poi, tofu, and pickles veg. And KTA
is also the place of convergence-- I run into everybody i know at KTA.
- The wide open windy plains between the green puus and Mauna Kea-- so eerie and lovely.
wish i could find the phone number for aka sushi. the description is write-on.